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19 September 2024

Ditch your product roadmap: why flexibility beats strict timelines

While product roadmaps are in high demand, they’re often not the best way to convey a company’s product strategy and direction. DoiT has explored this topic in a detailed article, offering insights into more effective approaches.

03 September 2024

AWS Cloud Day is coming to Warsaw and Prague, inviting tech businesses to explore cloud-driven innovation

Join AWS Cloud Day in Warsaw or Prague this autumn for a free event where tech companies can explore the latest AWS technologies and see how successful organizations drive innovation with the cloud.

28 August 2024

AWS discounts: how a startup can save up to 90% on cloud services

Understanding AWS discounts is crucial for businesses to maximize savings and gain a competitive edge in the cloud. Cloudvisor has prepared an article to explore AWS discounts and how they can help lower operational costs and optimize cloud investments.

22 August 2024

Ramp plans: how to scale responsibly in the cloud and gain the most benefits from it

Migrating to the cloud offers benefits like flexibility and cost efficiency, but mismanagement can lead to high expenses. DoiT highlights ramp plans as essential for controlling cloud costs, detailing their creation and benefits.

12 August 2024

AceON launches Autumn Accelerator, offering €40k investment for European early-stage startups

AceON Accelerator has launched applications for its 4th batch, inviting ambitious European founders to apply for the Autumn Accelerator 2024. Check out the details.

27 June 2024

Google Cloud FinOps: useful tips and tools to optimize your cloud spend

Discover the most useful tips and tools on Google Cloud that can help you keep your spend in check and still make the most of what the cloud gives.

23 May 2024

The relocation dilemma: pros and cons of moving beyond CEE for regional startups

In the article, NVIDIA discusses whether CEE startups should relocate for global success, or stay put. Dive into the pros and cons to make a more informed decision today.

18 April 2024

Investing beyond the portfolio: how VCs can build a thriving tech ecosystem

In the article, NVIDIA explains why VC involvement is crucial when it comes to supporting broader industry initiatives. It also tells how VCs can shape the trajectory of innovation within a technology sector and enhance the regional competitiveness of an ecosystem.

22 March 2024

AWS Cost Optimization: how startups can save up to 40% on Amazon Web Services

Learn how your startup can use AWS Cost Optimization to reduce your startup’s costs.